Empowering investments for Tomorrow's Growth

rooted in family tradition and driven by a shared commitment to environmental stewardship, Samuel Holdings offers comprehensive expertise in the realm of renewable energy. We are dedicated to empowering businesses to embrace sustainable practices while optimizing profitability.

Our Services: Unlocking Your Green Potential

  • Strategic Renewable Energy Deal Sourcing: We meticulously identify and secure partnerships that align with your specific energy needs and financial objectives, ensuring a seamless transition to renewables.

  • Unlocking Land Potential: Our team possesses a profound understanding of land optimization, enabling us to uncover the latent green energy potential within your property, whether it be expansive fields or underutilized rooftops.

  • Profitable Pathways to Sustainability: Our comprehensive consulting services encompass financial planning,regulatory compliance, and strategic implementation, ensuring your transition to renewable energy yields both environmental and economic rewards.

Join Our Family, Illuminate a Brighter Future

At Samuel Holdings, we believe in fostering collaborative relationships that transcend mere business transactions. We invite you to become part of our family, united in a shared mission to create a more sustainable and prosperous world.

Embark on your journey towards a greener, more profitable future. Contact Samuel Holdings today and let us illuminate the path forward, together.


Years of experience

Samuel Holding was one of the first established firms to specialize in renewable energy in London working all over the EU


Personal and practical

We believe that no two cases are the same. We consider all of our clients’ on case by case and conduct extensive research.


Advice and representation

We offer a complete range of legal services under one roof: our team delivers everything from advisory counsel to full turn key solution.

We offer profitable business solutions

We provide a range of business opportunities and advice on how to grow your business. Whether it's in the field of renewable energy, web design, or beyond, we have the expertise to guide you towards success. With our support, you can explore the potential of renewable energy and make a positive impact on the environment. Additionally, our team of professionals can assist you in creating a captivating and user-friendly website that will enhance your online presence and attract more customers. Whatever your business goals may be, we are here to help you achieve them and maximize your potential for growth.

Practice areas

Renewable Engery
Solar devoplemnpet globally
EV solution
Website design
Turn key strategy
International partnership

We are here to help

Talk to our friendly team today. We tailor our services around your needs so that we can reach the desired outcome together.